Accident at Peer ki Galli

The horrific accident at Peer ki Galli on Mughal road has left every eye in tears in the whole state of Jammu and Kashmir. A few politicians are gunning for heads of all top bureaucrats for allowing the vehicle to ply in such inclement weather. Words fall short to describe the horror of the accident. The pall of gloom which descended on the valley will take time to go away.
A few questions remain unanswered. Who allowed the vehicle to ply in such drastically inclement weather? Was the driver possessing hill driving license? Did the driver actually bribe some official on duty to get permission to travel in adverse weather? Why the officials responsible for this accident are not behind bars? Why no arrests made so far? What is the compensation that the families of these victims will get? And most important of all, what is the government doing to ensure that such accidents do not happen in future?
The government must ensure that the officials found guilty in this accident are given the strictest possible punishment. The rank, position and tenure must be overlooked in this case and the officials involved for any laxity in duty should be strictly punished.
It must be reiterated that the whole of Chenab Valley has seen phenomenally high number of accidents over the years. What is the establishment doing to build better roads, better guiding sign boards, strict monitoring for any deviation from the norm and for checking licenses of drivers driving on this route?
The government must also think to build more efficient hospitals and other institutions so that people in these highland areas do not have to scurry through to distant big cities like Jammu or Srinagar.
We hope and pray for peace to the departed souls and compensation to the next of kin of the deceased. Besides, we demand an unconditional apology from the establishment for this accident.